How many students do you have?
We average around 100 students in the K through twelfth grades. We are a very small, but very welcoming community!
Why are you located so near to downtown Dayton?
We are a ministry of Christ the King Anglican Church. While we do not have cutting edge facilities or a particularly scenic locale, we believe that the church, and consequently the school, has been placed by God in our specific neighborhood to love and serve and be a life-giving influence.
Do you have school on Friday?
High School students do not have school on Friday (unless they have a science lab scheduled). Cathedral School students (grades 1-8) are required to attend on Fridays.
What athletic options do you have?
We offer Junior High (Grades 5 thru 8) Basketball, Cross Country and Track & Field for both boys and girls, as well as Volleyball and Cheer Team for girls. For our High School Student Athletes (Grades 9 thru 12) we offer Basketball, Cross Country and Track & Field for both men and women, Soccer for men as well as Volleyball and Cheer Team for women. We are always open to suggestions on expanding our athletic opportunities and are hoping to restart our Martial Arts program in the near future. Please contact the athletic department for more information!
What is the cost of Dominion Academy?
Because of our unique structure and our facilities, we are able to offer a college preparatory education at a lower price than many other private schools. See our Tuition and Fees.
Since Dominion Academy is so affordable, is the academic quality less than other more expensive schools?
No! Our students consistently test well above the national average. We are very proud of our National Merit, Commended, and National Achievement Scholars.
Do you have scholarship opportunities?
We have need-based scholarship funds to distribute according to the discretion of the School Board. Additionally, since we are a chartered nonpublic (private) school, we are able to accept ODE EdChoice scholarships for eligible students. Visit our Scholarships page for more information.
What are your Student Demographics?
We have ethnically diverse, ecumenical and families from all walks of life.